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Committee Profile

Reports To:Knowledge Access (Education) Council

The Fellowship Committee consists of members who are all involved in fellowship training and represent university and non-university orthopaedic surgery sports medicine fellowship programs. The committee's function is to oversee the fellowship activities and education for orthopaedic sports medicine fellowship programs and fellows.

Committee Term:

Members-at-large serve three (3) consecutive years upon appointment; Chairperson can serve either two (2) consecutive years or (3) consecutive years, depending on when they were named to the chair role.

Committee Size: Maximum of 12 total, including 11 members-at-large and 1 chairperson.

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Oversee the fellowship activities and education for orthopaedic sports medicine fellowship programs and fellows, including the annual match.
  • Liaison with ACGME to assist fellowship programs in delivering high quality training to fellows.
  • Contribute to the development of the Residents and Fellows Forum at the annual meeting.

Time Commitment:

  • Most of the committee’s work will be conducted via email and group chat.
  • Typically, the committee meets 3 to 4 times a year as needed, which can include one in-person meeting at the Annual Meeting.


  • Committee consists of members who are all involved in fellowship training and represent university and non-university orthopaedic surgery sports medicine fellowship programs.
  • All members, except those in the International category, are eligible to serve as committee members at large.
  • Chairperson must be an AOSSM Active Member.

Get Involved in The Society

Volunteer committees form the lifeblood of AOSSM and provide guidance for Society programs and projects. Every year, we accept new volunteers to serve on our standing committees. The application period will open in January.

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