Page 15 - Summer 2020
P. 15

        Staying Safe in the Saddle


        Approximately 30 million people ride   of skull fractures have decreased with
        horses annually in the United States.   the increased trend in helmet use, and
        While popular, equestrian sports carry a   all riders should be aware of this safety
        high risk of injury with a reported rate of    precaution. When selecting a helmet, look
        1 for every 350 to 1000 hours spent riding.   for SEI (Safety Equipment Institute) and
           The risk of injury in riding may be   ASTM (American Society of Testing and
        attributable to the position of the rider,   Materials) approved gear.            Horseback riding is a popular sport;
        fall from height, and speed of travel                                             however, it comes with a high
        during sport. The range of orthopaedic   Footwear                                 risk of injury. The combination of
        injuries include spine and pelvis injuries,   Proper footwear and appropriate riding   height and speed of travel during
        upper and lower extremity long bone   position can help mitigate risk and         fall from a horse contribute to the
        fractures, and joint dislocations.   afford riders with the greatest control      severity of associated injuries,
           Given the severity of trauma associated   while mounted. Appropriately heeled   which include a high incidence of
        with equestrian sport, efforts should be   boots aid riders in maintenance of ankle   head and neck injuries as well as
        taken to prevent undue injuries. Falling   dorsiflexion while mounted. Additionally,   extremity fractures. We advocate
        off the horse is the most common cause   stronger riding boots may decrease       for the use of helmets as well as
        of injury and efforts should be taken to   the risk of ankle injuries secondary to   protective equipment for the upper
        ensure the greatest ability for riders to   rotational loads.                     and lower limbs in order to stay
        maintain balance. A few specific cautions                                         safe in the saddle.
        should be heeded by those embarking    Additional Protective Equipment
        on equestrian sport.                 Upper extremity fractures account for >50
                                             percent of riding related fractures. While
        Helmets                              upper extremity protective equipment
        Prior literature demonstrates rates   has been noted to reduce fracture rate in             1 in
        of use of protective equipment range   activities such as rollerblading, benefits
        from 6 to 66.7 percent. This variation in   have not been formally evaluated in       350 hours
        use persists despite literature that has   riding. The shoulder, elbow, and wrist are
        shown that use of helmets decreases   prone to high injury rates, and protective   horseback riding injury rate
        hospitalization secondary to injury up to   equipment may prove beneficial in
        5-fold. Both the incidence and severity   reducing injury occurrence.

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