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Cabaud Memorial Award

    • Research Award

In Honor of Henry Edward Cabaud, III, MD

The Cabaud Memorial Award is given annually, in honor of Henry Edward Cabaud, III, MD, by the Research Committee to the best full-length manuscript submitted that pertains to hard or soft tissue biology, in-vitro research, laboratory or “bench-type” research, or in-vivo animal research.

Past Recipients

Nicholas J. Lemme, MD

How Steep is Too Steep? Assessing the Limits of Lateral Extra-Articular Tenodesis and Slope-Reducing Osteotomy in ACL Graft Force and Knee Stability
Rohit Badida, MS, Madalyn Hague, BS, Janine Molino, PhD, Matthew Quinn, MD, Braden Fleming, PhD, Brett Owens, MD

Rebecca L. Horan, PhD

Clinical, Mechanical and Histopathological Evaluation of a Bioengineered Long-Term Bioresorbable Silk Fibroin Graft in a One Year Goat Study for Development of a Functional Autologous Anterior Cruciate Ligament
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