Virtual Programming Only
Course Chairs Welcome
Julie Bishop, MD and Ivan Wong, MD
Session 1: Anterior Soft Tissue Instability Solutions
Moderators: Ivan Wong, MD and Jeanne Patzkowski, MD
In this section, in addition to cutting edge talks that are case focused, there will be live surgical demos for techniques and tips for performing open Bankart repairs and an international perspective on Remplissage and DAS procedure.
Live Demo Faculty: Bob Litchfield, MD; Benjamin Ma, MD; Diego Perez-Salazar, MD; Mexico
Everything Starts with the Physical Exam! How to Perform Physical Exam for Instability
Bob Litchfield, MD
My Best Tricks So My Arthroscopic Bankart Doesn't Fail!
Jon Dickens, MD
When Do I Add Remplissage and How?
Peter MacDonald, MD
We Can't Let Open Bankart Become a Lost Art - This Is When and How I Do It
Robert Arciero, MD
DAS - What the Heck Is That and How Would I Do It?
Thibault Lafosse, MD
Q&A - Case Based Discussion
Session 2: Anterior Boney Instability
Moderators: Jon Dickens, MD and Alberto Guevara, MD
In this section, in addition to case based and surgical technique focused talks, there will be live surgical demos on techniques for open latajet.
Live Demo Faculty: Jon Barlow, MD, Ben Ma, MD, Jon Dickens, MD, Daniel Slulittel, MD
My Indications and Techniques for Arthroscopic Anterior Bone Block
Brian Werner, MD
When, Why and How I Do an Arthroscopic Latarjet
Shariff K. Bishai, DO, MS, FAOAO, FAANA, FAAOS
Forget Arthroscopy, This Is Why and How I Do an Open Latarjet!
Jeanne Patzkowski, MD
How Do I Approach the Arthroscopic Glenoid Fracture?
Brian Waterman, MD
Q&A - Case Based Discussion
Session 3: Posterior/Humeral Sided Bone Loss
Moderators: Ben Ma, MD and Jon Barlow, MD
Live surgical demos in this section will focus on techniques for how to bone graft large Hill Sachs lesions, tips and tricks on how to perform a successful arthroscopic posterior bone block and posterior capsular grafting.
Live Demo Faculty: Brian Werner, MD; Jon Dickens, MD; Daniel Slullitel, MD.
When Do I Bone Graft the Hill Sachs and How?
Greg Cvetanovich, MD
How to Be Prepared for the Posterior Labral Repair with a RHAGL
Brian Werner, MD
When Is Posterior Labral Repair Enough Versus Adding Bone Block?
Julie Bishop, MD
Q&A - Case Based Discussion
Session 4: Failed Instability Debate (13.5% Bone Loss)
Moderators: Peter MacDonald, MD and Robert Arciero, MD
Why I Choose Revision Soft Tissue Repair
Alberto Guevara Álvarez, MD
I Always Go for Boney Augmentation
Stephen Pill, MD
Panel Discussion & Debate Vote
- Bob Litchfield, MD
- Kathy Coyner, MD
- Christian Lozano, MD
- Fabio Restrepo, MD
- Jon Barlow, MD
Industry Session
Virtual Event Closing Remarks
Session 1: Complex Cuff Cases- Irreparable Cuff: Anterior, Posterior and Superior
We will kick the day off with a focus on techniques to address the irreparable rotator cuff. In addition to multiple talks including an international perspective, we will have several surgical demos that focus on technique. Highlights include how to harvest and prepare for a latissimus transfer for the irreparable subscapularis, and the new techniques of biologic tuberoplasty and how to utilize the biceps with the biceps smash procedure. Bringing the international perspective we will have live demos showing how to perform the medial muscle advancement technique from Mexico and the Colombian perspective on how to perform a Latissimus Dorsi transfer for the irreparable posterior rotator cuff tear.
Everything Starts with the Physical Exam! How to Perform Physical Exam for Cuff?
Bassem Elhassan, MD
SCR: Is It Still Relevant and Should I Know How to Do This?
Grant Garrigues, MD
Industry Presentation: Versatility Meets Reliability: All-Suture Anchor Techniques-sponsored by Arthrex (non-CME)
Location: OLC Auditorium A
Speakers: Katherine Coyner, MD, Brian C. Werner MD, and Brian R. Waterman, MD
Join our esteemed faculty for a case-based discussion focused on the efficiency of treatment in complex shoulder instability, rotator cuff tears, and rotator cuff augmentation procedures using Arthrex knotless and tensionable all-suture anchors.
Session 1 Continued: Complex Cuff Cases- Irreparable Cuff: Anterior, Posterior and Superior
Moderators: Brian Waterman, MD & Julie Bishop, MD
Highlights include how to harvest and prepare for a latissimus transfer for the irreparable subscapularis, and the new techniques of biologic tuberoplasty and how to utilize the biceps with the biceps smash procedure. Bringing the international perspective we will have live demos showing how to perform the medial muscle advancement technique from Mexico and the Columbian perspective on how to perform a Latissimus Dorsi transfer for the irreparable posterior rotator cuff tear.
Live Demo Faculty: Greg Cvetanovich, MD; Peter MacDonald, MD; Diego Perez-Salazar, MD, Mexico; Daniel Slullitel, MD; Christian Lozano, MD
Don't Throw It Away - How I Use the Biceps - What Works in My Hands!
Alberto Guevara Álvarez, MD
When Do I Use an Interpositional Bridging Reconstruction?
Ivan Wong, MD
Lat Transfer Versus Pec Transfer for Irreparable Subscap - Which Is the Best?
Stephen Pill, MD
Medical Muscle Advancement - What Is It and When Do I Do It?
Diego Perez-Salazar, MD
Is There a Role for Lat Dorsi Transfer? Or - Is Lower Trap the Only Way?
Bassem Elhassan, MD
Biologic Tuberoplasty? Balloon? What Should We Do?
Jon Barlow, MD
Q&A - Case Based Discussion
Session 2: Failed Cuff Debate
Moderator: Shariff K. Bishai, DO, MS and Grant Garrigues, MD
I Can Do Releases/Mobilize This and Repair and Use the Patient's Own Biology - I Don't Need Any Other Help!
Kathy Coyner, MD
Forget About Repair - It Won't Heal. Tendon Transfer/Biologic Anterior Cable Reconstruction Is the Way!
Christian Lozano, MD
Panel Discussion & Debate Vote
- Bassam Elhassan, MD
- Grant Garrigues. MD
- Jeanne Patzkowski, MD
- Fabio Restrepo, MD
- Bob Litchfield, MD
Live Demo- How I Do a Lower Trap Transfer
Bassem Elhassan, MD